Name: Abby Card
Year/Group: ND1 Media Group A.
Date: 30th November 09
Page Number: 1 of 1
Production Title: We Love Christmas! - Music Video
Director: Abby Card
Producer: Abby Card
Time of Day: Daytime and Evening
Scene no(s): 6
Locations: Alexander Park, Ipswich Waterfont, Ipswich Town Centre, My house
Internal/External: Both
Shot 1: Day dreaming girl walking up to window and goes into a daydream (LS into ECU)
Shot 2: All cast jumps out from behind a tree (VLS)
Shot 3: Girl & Musician 1 lip syncing and waving arms back and forth (MLS)
Shot 4: BCU of a hand picking up a mince pie
Shot 5: Girl and Musician 1 sitting at a table, clonks wine glasses together (VLS)
Shot 6: Day dreaming girl and musician 1 dancing and lip syncing (MS)
Shot 7: LS of Town Centre Xmas Tree, zooms in on op of tree gradually.
Shot 8: All cast playing instruments, lip syncing to song. Flashing coloured lighting (WS)
Shot 9: BCU of musician 2’s hand playing guitar.
Shot 10: Santa lip syncing and playing guitar (MCU)
Shot 11: Girl and Musician 1 lip syncing to song, dressed as carollers (MCU)
Shot 12: BCU of Santa Countdown Clock, changes day to Xmas Day.
Shot 13: Day dreaming girl and Musician 1 exchanging presents. Xmas tree in shot. Zooms in
slowly on both casts. Lip syncing (VLS)
Shot 14: Same as shot 8.
Shot 15: Same as shot 9
Shot 16: Starts with CU tinsel, End on gift bags. Camera pans around Xmas Shop. CU of Xmas
Shot 17: Same as shot 8
Shot 18: Wine glasses held up and then hit together. Lip Syncing. (MS)
Shot 19: Dressed as carollers, Lip Syncing. Snow editing effects. 2 Shot (MCU)
Shot 20: Musician 1 is in X-Mas Shop shopping for presents, waves at camera. (LS)
Shot 21: Abby and Reece walk along waterfront. Lip Syncing. Snowy effect. Camera moves
along with them. (LS)
Shot 22: Girl window-shopping shot, slowly zooms in on Xmas tree. (MS)
Shot 23: Camera gradually zooms in on Xmas light. (LS to CU)
Shot 24: Same as Shot 8, half of the shot is shown. (WS)
Shot 25: Same as Shot 10. (MCU)
Shot 26: Same as Shot 11 but reversed. (BCU)
Shot 27: Same as shot 2 but also reversed. (VLS)
Shot 28: Same as shot 1 but sequence of shot is swapped round, so the shot starts with a CU on window, with Day dreaming Girl coming out of the day dream. (CU to MS)
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